Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Acedemic Analysis Essay Example

Acedemic Analysis Essay Example Acedemic Analysis Essay Acedemic Analysis Essay Did living standards improve during the Industrial Revolution? Historians know that the Industrial Revolution made Europe wealthy. An imp rattan question is was it like to live through it? Historians are divided over what hap penned to wages during the Industrial Revolution. Most agree that they did increase; the quests on is, when. It is hard to say when because wages change constantly due to inflation and the w ages Of workers in the industrial revolution were paid informally leaving no real records behind. Luckily for researchers Britain is one of the best countries for keeping historical records such as wages that were paid out. Using the information from British records it can be concluded that wages rose after 1840. Some even claim that wages doubled between 1840 and 1910 beck cause the technological improvements lead to higher levels in labor productivity. However, quality does not only refer to money and wages, it also involves pee pleas health. One way to measure health is to study peoples heights at the time b cause well nourished people tend to be taller. During the Industrial Revolution, people w ho did less manual labor and who were less afflicted by disease tended to be taller. Life expect icy is another way researchers can accurately measure the living standards of the time. Life expel stance is calculated by looking at death registrars. If you know the distribution of ages at which pee pole die, you can work out the most likely age to which people will live. I agree with the points made in this article and I find the fact that we can use height to measure quality of life interesting.

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